ResMed S+ Non-Contact Sleep Monitoring System, an Advanced Tracker for Your Zs

Poor nightly sleep can be a real drag on the following day and millions of people around the world walk around like zombies from lack of shut-eye. Yet, the causes of poor sleep are numerous and being able to identify what is keeping someone awake can help correct one’s patterns and sleeping environment to result in improved nightly rest. ResMed (San Diego, CA) just announced that it’s releasing a new device that stays awake to continuously monitor you and your bedroom while you sleep.

The ResMed S+ is able to wirelessly detect a person’s breathing patterns, as well as the twisting and turning of poor sleepers. Additionally, it monitors the noise, ambient light, and the temperature of the bedroom throughout the night. The device transmits its data to a paired smartphone or tablet through which the user can evaluate last night’s sleep and identify what, if anything, has been keeping you awake. In addition to correlating one’s sleep to one’s environment, the matching app can be used to record one’s food intake and physical activity, helping you find out that your prize winning chili recipe and lack of exercise is what’s keeping you up at night.

In addition to monitoring your sleep, the device is also able to help you fall asleep by playing relaxing sounds that are synchronized to your breathing rate.
