Genteel Lancing Device For Pain-free Glucose Testing Anywhere On Body

Diabetics checking their blood sugar levels usually have to prick their finger to get a sufficient draw for the glucometer to do its job. Some newer glucometers work with smaller blood samples and are able to take blood from the inside of the arm where there are fewer nerves to cause pain. Now a new device called Genteel can allow patients to take blood samples from just about anywhere on the body with little pain.

The device prevents pain by vibrating the skin just before the lance pierces it and by creating a vacuum around the sample site at the moment of penetration. The actual piercing of the skin is done much faster than with traditional devices, taking only .018 of a second for the needle to pop in and out. Additionally, the contact tip has six levels of depth control to accurately set the penetration level to match the location from where the blood is drawn.

The Genteel costs $129, a bit high compared to competing device, though it may prove quite valuable for kids and others not used to regular prickly blood draws. It uses standard FDA approved square lancets and works with whatever glucometer you’re used to.
