Cord Blood Banking and the wonders it could do for you, your baby and your family

Much attention has recently been focused on stem cells and the potential they have in the treatment of diseases. In the future, it may be possible to rebuild or regenerate damaged or diseased tissues and organs with the use of stem cells. Currently however, stem cells are being used primarily to replace bone marrow cells depleted or destroyed by disease or chemotherapy.

Collecting Cord Blood offers parents the opportunity to obtain and store their child’s stem cells before they even begin their life’s journey. Cord blood can only be collected during birth and is no longer available after the placenta is delivered. 

Umbilical cords do more than mark the future site of a baby’s belly button. They are the unborn baby’s lifeline, providing a connection to the placenta, from which come the oxygen and nutrients needed for the unborn child to survive. Umbilical cord blood (often called cord blood) is the blood left in the umbilical cord and placenta after the baby is born and the cord is cut. Cord blood is usually discarded along with the umbilical cord and placenta and is rich in versatile stem cells and can be stored for future use. A fact that most of us are unaware of.

Umbilical cord blood banking is made up of three main components: the collection, processing, and cryopreservation of cord blood stem cells. Experts have found that newborn stem cells will not “expire” if properly processed and stored. In fact, research indicates that these cells can be stored indefinitely. The oldest cord blood unit to be successfully thawed to date was 15 years old.

When these cord blood stem cells are processed and stored, the cells are not only a perfect match for the baby, but could also provide life saving benefits for siblings and other family members. For more than a decade, banked cord blood stem cells have been used to treat thousands of people worldwide with more than 75 serious diseases including a wide range of cancers, blood disorders, immune system deficiencies and genetic diseases.

Although not all diseases treated with stem cells have been treated specifically with cord blood stem cells, doctors have been using cord blood in lifesaving treatments since 1988. And recently, scientists have discovered some exciting new possibilities which see the use of cord blood stem cells revolutionizing other areas of medicine.  Some of the more common diseases that could affect your children are Acute Biphenotypic Leukemia, Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL), Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML), etc.   

Right now, the pace of regenerative medicine, which is repairing injured tissues and organs with cells from the individual or cells from someone else, relies solely on privately banked and donated cord blood. That is because most babies' cord blood is simply thrown away after delivery.  

With this in mind, parents – first-timers or not should take full comfort in knowing that if at all needed, their child’s cord blood is safe, stored and within reach.

This makes choosing the right cord blood bank just as important as picking the right baby formula, paediatrician or school for your child.

The collecting, processing and storing of stem cells is a highly specialized niche industry that requires stem cell banks to adhere to stringent guidelines set by AABB* and approved by the Ministry Of Health, Malaysia.

When comparing different cord blood banks, it is important to remember that stem cell processing is a service that should not be decided by price.  The important thing is to ensure the safety of the cord blood such as whether the building is well protected from fire in terms of distance from the fire station, type of building it is stored in, away from traffic jams for fire trucks to reach in time, etc.  In addition, the technology, expertise and experience of the cord blood bank are the three main key factors that you should consider. After all, it is only natural for every parent to want the best in everything for their child. Always keep in mind that you are making a conscious decision to entrust your newborn's unique stem cells to a banking service and therefore his/her stem cells should at all times be viable (usable) and adequate should you need them. 

Though price and a compelling Website may be the obvious pull-factors for some parents choosing their child’s cord blood bank, they aren’t the only factors to consider. 


Does the cord blood bank use cutting-edge technology in their processing?
What percentage of cells do they recover from their processing? The more the better because a higher number of cells recovered will result in a higher chance of successful treatment.
Is it a financially stable company that is profitable and likely to be around in the future?
Is the bank regulatory-compliant? (GMP or AABB compliant?) This means its laboratories, banks and procedures meet set standards.
Is the bank performing cord blood processing in sterile and non-contaminated environments? (eg: Class 100 Cleanroom with Air Shower Chamber)
Is maternal blood testing performed routinely during the cord blood testing?
Does the cord blood bank store other non human cells/tissues in the bank?

For more information on Cord Blood Banking, or to choose the right stem cell bank, contact StemTECH International TODAY! 

[email protected]

+6016 205 7000 
+6016 238 8000

*AABB (formerly known as the American Association of Blood Banks) is the international accreditation body that sets the International Standard in the quality and safety of collecting, processing, testing, distributing and administrating cold blood products.